

Are you a science student in search of a rewarding career path? Are you a person:

    1. who did well in Class X and enrolled in the scientific stream as a natural choice? Because the majority of your friends in a comparable percentage range chose science, you followed suit. ‘Why science?’ was probably not a question that worried you at the time.


    1. Have never been excited about traditional professional alternatives such as medicine or engineering, but are unsure what to do after Class XII? Pure science graduation is almost always a no-no for you.


    1. Who wishes to follow your heart and do something that would provide you with enormous job pleasure over 25-30 years of active work life while maintaining a good lifestyle and social status?


If you fall into one of the categories listed above, the law is a career option you should seriously explore. The two most critical elements for success in any career route are “aptitude” and “attitude.” Here are some statistics to help you decide if the law is the right career for you.

It is common knowledge that a legal career is no longer restricted to litigation. Increased corporate complexity, as a result of liberalization, has opened up a plethora of fascinating job opportunities for law graduates, including legal consulting, specialized sectors such as taxation, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, and so on. Legal journalism, legal process outsourcing, and the judiciary are among the non-traditional solutions that are gaining traction in the legal community. Does it pique your interest?

Established lawyers are rising in social stature and enjoying a better quality of life. They follow a simple motto: ‘Do what you WANT, not what you CAN.’ As a result, people have mostly chosen this occupation rather than being forced into it. Does it strike you as motivational?

Let’s take a look at what successful lawyers have in common:

    1. They’re voracious readers.


    1. They have a high level of logical reasoning.


    1. They pay close attention to the smallest of details.


    1. Their communication abilities are excellent.


Academically strong kids, on the whole, have good reading skills. Their inherent strength is logical reasoning. Communication skills and attention to detail are primarily innate qualities that can be honed with deliberate effort. It’s no surprise that science students account for about 40% of students in top NLUs. Do you have what it takes?

The Common Law Admission Test, or CLAT, is a stepping stone to some of the most prestigious National Law Universities, which provide five-year integrated law programs. CLAT does not require any prior subject knowledge of any stream chosen after Class X because it is an aptitude examination. Science students are thought to have a high aptitude level and are thus as good rivals for CLAT preparation as any other stream.

Finally, you want to be acknowledged as a successful lawyer and alumnus of a prominent law school a few years down the road to building your reputation. It won’t make a difference if you studied humanities, commerce, or science for two years after Class X.

Choice of Law School: Top 3 Criteria

The motivation to study in a particular law school is shaped by various factors. For some, proximity to home is important while some want to be as far away as possible! Some are eager to know about the sports facilities at a law school while some are more interested in the robust collection of the library. And almost everyone is interested in “How good is the food!?”. These inquiries, relevant nevertheless, are not the subject of this post. We shall try and identify the top three criteria for your choice of law school. A disclaimer, though: the criteria mentioned below are in no particular order, as, for some, one criterion may be more important than the other.

1. The Alumni

An important factor to keep in mind before filling in that preference form is how well the students graduating from a particular law school fare. Not just in terms of where they post their law school life, but also what they are up to. This assumes importance because it helps you realize the kind of opportunities available to you after completing a legal education. Different law schools offer different opportunities to their students and it is interesting to understand how those opportunities were utilized by them. Getting in touch with the alumni from a particular law school will also give you an insight into the life at a law school. This should help you in arriving at a well-rounded answer to the ever-troubling question of “Where should I go?”

2. Where is it?

If we are to remove from consideration the top four to five law schools in the country, the location of the law school assumes significant importance. In the recent past, there has been a sudden spike in the number of national law universities in the country. Almost every state has one now, and some even have three. But what does that mean for you, as a prospective law school student?

Some people want to be close to the city, for a variety of reasons. Although a university makes all attempts to provide you with all amenities that you require on a day-to-day basis, sometimes you do have to make trips to the city. Now, that is not always for leisure or fun. Being close to the city also gives you access to a lot of resources that add up to your professional oeuvre. Depending on where your interest (professionally speaking) lies, you can gain access to opportunities that may be metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, or Bangalore (to name a few) have to offer more than any other city. The choice of location is an extremely subjective exercise but if one has an understanding of what one wants to do, choosing a particular city over the other turns into an advantage.

3. The law school environment

A criterion that people often overlook is this one. While it is important to make it to a good law school, it is also important to be in a space where one’s life is not a living hell. And by that, it is meant that you need to make sure that the practices at a law school also adhere to the letter and spirit of the law.

Some concerns that one needs to take into consideration are whether the law school in question has an anti-ragging policy, what is the history of the law school in dealing with reported cases of discrimination (both amongst students and faculty/administration), and whether the law school has an open environment or at least some avenues where important socio-legal issues are discussed and debated, to name a few.

At the end of the day, a law school is a place where you will be spending five crucial years of your life. Your understanding will be shaped, re-shaped, shattered, and re-built, if you step in with an open mind. So, it becomes important that you choose a place that will give you the opportunities to do so. And how do you get to know this even before you enter law school? Discussion. Get in touch with people you know who have graduated from law school, and ask them these questions. After all, it’s a question of where you want to shape the next five years of your life.

Things You Must Know Before Starting CLAT Preparation

Take it from a person who has cracked law entrance exams himself, and has seen several of his students crack it with his help/ influence: no matter how smart you are, unguided and unfocused preparation will almost always result in a bad result. Preparation needs to be smart and focused; not necessarily long and hard.

What are some ways in which you or your ward can effectively prepare for entrance exams that open the way to a career in law? This article, hopefully, will be of help in setting you on your way:


India has two kinds of undergraduate law courses – 5-year and 3-year LL.B. courses. The latter is conducted at traditional universities like Delhi University, Punjab University, Mumbai University, etc. One can opt for these courses after completing graduation.

The 5-year courses, which are available to students right after Class 12 and are the focus of this post, are conducted by several colleges, the most prominent of which are National Law Universities (NLUs). Some of the most prestigious NLUs are NLSIU (Bangalore), NALSAR (Hyderabad), NLU Delhi, NUJS (Kolkata), NLU Jodhpur, GNLU (Gandhinagar), etc. These are all state-run Universities. There are also some private colleges that are held in high regard, such as JGLS (Jindal Global Law School, Sonepat), ILS (Indian Law Society’s Law College, Pune), and SLS (Symbiosis Law School – Pune and Noida), etc. Other colleges like USLLS, IP University, School of Law, Bennett University, Institute of Law(Nirma University), School of Law, Christ University, etc. are also considered good.


Most law school rankings published on the internet are based merely on perception, and not based on ground realities. Those in the legal fraternity would tell you that even the NIRF rankings, which are conducted systematically by the State, may not be a true indicator of a law school’s quality. This gives rise to the all-important question: how should one choose a law school for herself?

The answer lies in interacting with graduates from these law schools, and with people working in the legal industry (which includes not just litigation but also corporate law firms, in-house general counsel teams, academics, etc.) How to find and interact with such people? The author can’t say other ways, but joining CLAT Possible, where graduates from several NLUs are involved in teaching, and several others can be and are called for seminars/webinars, can be a great first step in that direction.


NLUs have two entrance examinations: CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) and AILET (All India Law Entrance Test). CLAT is the entrance examination for all National Law Universities except NLU Delhi, which organizes its own entrance examination: AILET.

There are also some state-wide examinations, such as the MHT-CET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test). Private colleges often conduct their examinations, such as the LSAT (for JGLS, Bennett Coleman University, etc.), and the SLAT (for the Symbiosis law schools).

On a broad level, the pattern for these examinations is similar: the exam covers GK (both static GK and current affairs), logical reasoning, basic mathematics (or quantitative aptitude), and some legal reasoning. The subjects are of a nature that if properly equipped, even a class 8 student can (mock) write these examinations and do well in them. A prepared Class 12 student can definitely do well in them.


That’s a big nope. I’m myself from the science stream and had computer science as my fifth subject. My class at NLU Delhi saw almost equal representation from each stream – science, commerce, and humanities with a plethora of permutations and combinations of subjects taken by them in Class 12.
Law as a course is no longer considered something to be chosen by engineering and medicine rejects; it is taken as a first priority by a lot of people, and students appearing for CLAT, AILET and other examinations are increasing with every passing year.


As competing students increase, though, competition also increases. A competitive edge is essential to gain. Now, we are not making an argument that it is impossible to crack these exams without joining a coaching center (the author of the post did it himself), but joining an established coaching centre with faculty and staff as inspiring and qualified as CLAT Possible would most definitely give you or your ward a tremendous edge, which can prove to be pivotal in beating the ever-increasing competition.

Should I write the CLAT exam?

The field of higher education is no longer what it used to be a decade ago. There are more than just two supposedly lucrative career options to pursue. The career in law has regained its glory with the advent of industry and corporate lifestyle in India along with the traditional highlights of the practice of law and judiciary. The best legal education in India is imparted at the National law Universities that have carved a name for themselves by adhering to a strict syllabus, overall critical development of a student, and shaping them into a legal professional of the highest standards. To get admission to one of the 22 National Law Universities, a candidate has to write the Common law Aptitude Test (CLAT) which is an all-India entrance test conducted by the Consortium of NLUs. The competition is fierce indeed however, a focused candidate with adequate guidance should not have a problem cracking the exam. So, the question arises, should you write the CLAT exam?

To answer that question, a candidate must ask themselves a bunch of other questions and see if this is the right career path for them and if it is then how can they excel at it. Some salient points have to be kept in mind while answering that question about the CLAT exam and the legal profession.

The legal profession

The legal profession has historically been one of the most prestigious fields. Most freedom fighters and social activists have been prominent lawyers in history. In the present world, high profile cases for justice, matters that significantly impact the world, and billions of dollars of corporate deals, all of them involve a lawyer. So if a candidate wants to bring about social change, fight for justice or earn a handsome compensation working for massive conglomerates, then the legal profession opens all of these doors with a single exam, that is, the CLAT.

The CLAT exam

The CLAT exam is an aptitude test that tests a candidate’s ability to solve problems, good language skills, legal aptitude toward certain problems, and basic numeric ability. All in all, an easy exam if prepared with dedication and guidance. Even though it is an aptitude exam, it does have a syllabus that can be taught and learned by putting in a moderate number of hours of preparation. The preparation can include joining a respectable mentorship program or coaching institute for studying, attempting mock tests for practice, and other preparation that is necessary given the progress and goal.

Life at a National Law University

Once you are done with the CLAT exam and get a good rank, the doors are open to an infinite number of avenues as soon as you enter a good National Law University. However, life at a National Law University itself is an experience of a lifetime. Law school life opens you up to newer ideas, a diverse culture, acceptance of all lifestyles, (some partying), and a broad range of friendships. The classes are not like the ones you are familiar with but rather are a plethora of open-ended discussions where your thoughts matter more than a PowerPoint presentation. There are different events and competitions such as moots, ADR competitions, debates, quizzes, sports, and social work. There is something available for students to indulge in and find their interests.

Life after National Law University (Corporate/Private Practice/Judiciary/Others)

After a student graduate from a National Law University, many paths are available for them to choose and build a career accordingly.

1. Corporate: Top NLUs witness about a hundred percent campus placement into tier I law firms, top corporate houses, banks, and PSUs. The compensation offered by these corporates is above industry standards and allows a lawyer to grow and learn in that space with many students becoming a partner at those firms in a few years.

2. Law Practice: A lawyer can always start their legal practice at the Supreme Court or any subordinate courts in India. Due to the high standards of education at an NLU, the lawyers usually have better advocacy and drafting skills and with experience can reach the top of the ladder to become a Senior Advocates or be elevated to the judiciary.
Judiciary: After graduation, a student can take the lower judiciary exam and enter the judiciary services.

3. Other career paths: A lot of law students take the UPSC exam to enter civil services and NLUs have a great track record when it comes to students who have cracked the exam. A lot of other students complete their higher studies by enrolling in an LLM program at prestigious foreign universities. The NLU tag along with the teaching and personality development offers great opportunities to all students in whatever field that they might wish to pursue.

All in all, if any of the career paths appeal to you or if you would like the experience of a law school life or you think that the noble legal profession is your calling, then you should write the CLAT exam. With a determined preparation, good strategy, and mentorship, getting a good rank in the CLAT exam is not a herculean task. Once you do so, multiple opportunities are waiting for you to excel. All you have to do is write the CLAT.


Nowadays, variety and unconventional paths have become a fad. Several career options have opened up in all fields- so for instance, if a person studies engineering, there are a plethora of options and branches to choose from, or say, medicine, where everything from psychic healing to traditional medicine is a viable option.

And the law is no exception to this phenomenon. When we say non-traditional fields as a career for law graduates, we would be talking about careers other than the tried and tested litigation, corporate law firms, and in-house legal advisors. This means that just because won have read and learned the law in law school does not mean one resigns to the prospect of arguing in court with black and white robes, even if one does not want to.


One of the less conventional careers in law is teaching and research. Part of the reason stems from the fact that students do not have a very bright picture of teaching and research prospects in India. They have seen and read about the lucrative pay packages and perks that a corporate law firm job has to offer. Alternately, many see litigation as the obvious path once their law degree is done, because, well, that’s what law graduates do, right? But this is no longer the case, and people should wake up and smell the coffee.

The first condition before considering a career in teaching is that the person should be genuinely interested in teaching as it requires a big commitment towards the institution and the students. Furthermore, the returns are not immediate, unlike a law firm job. This, therefore, calls for steely resolve and passion for the profession. In these terms, litigation is quite similar, because the progression in both these is usually gradual.

The next step is the eligibility to teach. Where one starts depends on the qualifications held by the candidate. If one has only completed a Bachelor’s degree but not the National Eligibility Test (NET), then one could be placed as a Research Assistant/Research Associate with a particular Professor. Alternately, some colleges have the option of appointing one as an Assistant Professor even without having qualified NET, and one is expected to take and clear the examination within a stipulated period. On the other hand, if one has already cleared the NET, one is more likely to be offered the position of an Assistant Professor. However, this condition is changing and soon, the compulsory requirement of NET is likely to be removed. Instead, a Ph.D. (doctorate) will be sought. In any case, once a candidate completes his/her Ph.D., the colleges/universities a candidate may apply to and be considered for a teaching position increase manifold, and the chances of success are more.

At the beginning of one’s teaching career, one should be prepared to teach whatever subjects may be handed to him/her. It is usually after a couple of years that one may start to specialize or focus on one/two papers of his/her choice. Also, one must remember that aside from teaching, one will be expected to handle some administrative work as well.

As regards the remuneration it would be wrong to say that it is much lesser than what one might get in a law firm. It is more apt to say that the remuneration and perks depending on the institution one is affiliated with. Many of the private colleges in India offer salaries that compete with some of the big and mid-size law firms. One may be allotted accommodation on-campus. One gets a chance to go to conferences in different cities and countries, network, and meet academics from the world over. There are also faculty exchange programs and one gets to teach and research in different places and learn from students there as well.

One more way to increase one’s credentials as a teacher and academic is to undertake research and write and publish papers. This also helps rejuvenate one’s knowledge as well as disseminate new ideas to others.

All in all, teaching can be looked at as a viable option.

Work as a legal aid volunteer/lawyer for government agencies

The law is a potent weapon and can help resolve disputes as well as bring about a positive change in the world when the big picture is looked at. Several modern wave movements such as the fight for preservation and conservation of the environment or women’s rights were strengthened because of the law or the fight for a law to curb the injustice that was being perpetrated. These movements and changes on a day-to-day basis are brought about by organizations and people working on petitions, letters, and PILs to bring forth issues and plausible solutions at appropriate fora like the courts and the authorities.

Law graduates have the option of getting involved with such organizations to contribute to a cause they are passionate about. Many organizations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and UNICEF employ legal advisors or require inputs from a legal perspective. The positives are the inherent job satisfaction, being associated with a reputed organization, and the experience one acquires. On the other hand, there is a possibility that one may not get salaries and perks equivalent to the conventional jobs. Also, a disclaimer is that when one steps in to work with such organizations, one should not be prejudiced with the idea of bringing in a grand change in a day. There will be several days when one is simply required to work on that one document over and over again, and one might not feel like a hero saving the day, but that is how change works. All good things come to those who wait.

Many government organizations also need lawyers. For instance, the Tele-Law Services initiative started by the Indian government requires the services of able lawyers willing to devote time and work to address grievances of vulnerable groups and other categories of citizens on nominal charges. It is a good idea to associate with these initiatives, even if one is otherwise engaged in another job. Doing pro bono work is a great opportunity for lawyers.


The bottom line is that there is no bottom line when it comes to choosing a career after law school. The traditional options are, of course, there. Besides these, new ones have emerged and are, even as we speak, emerging and growing, so that there will be no dearth of fields when one graduates.

How to Prepare for Aptitude Test

Almost all of us have written a test at some point in our lives. However, an aptitude test examines a candidate quite differently than the average school test. Aptitude tests are used by colleges to grant admission, by corporates to grant jobs and in general to test a candidate’s efficiency at problem-solving, prioritization, and numerical skills amongst other capabilities. If an aptitude test is that essential, it begs the question, how do we prepare for it?
To begin with your aptitude test preparation, there are some salient features to every aptitude test preparation that can guarantee a good score.

Know your test

Each aptitude test is framed differently to test for certain skill sets. Therefore, it becomes quintessential that a candidate is familiar with the pattern of the test, the subjects or areas that are tested, and the time limit amongst other intricate nuances. Candidates should be aware of the test has negative markings for wrong answers or if there are optional questions, what are the nominal cutoff marks required to pass the test. Having a clear idea of these parameters would ensure that there are no surprises that the candidate might face on the day of the test. Moreover, it would additionally ensure that the preparation for the test is done accordingly with a focused approach.
Practice mock tests
Now that the pattern of the test is clear, the candidate must have a comfortable grip over attempting said pattern. For that, a candidate needs to take mock tests or test papers that have been asked previously by the test-taking authority. Taking the mock test and then analyzing the test allows the candidate to look at their performance with an analytical mindset. This ensures that the candidate understands the level of difficulty, what topics are tested more frequently, what kind of speed is required to finish the test, and which questions to attempt first. Furthermore, this practice develops a sense of confidence in the candidate and when the time comes to take the real test, the attempt is devoid of any nervous jitters or shocks.

Read the test paper carefully

Even while attempting mock tests, the candidate must make it a habit to take a few minutes at the start of the time to go through the entire test paper and read the questions carefully. All test papers cannot be similar and might have some adjustments or changes that might change the way it has to be attempted. Reading the paper before solving it helps the candidate in making a plan as to how the paper should be attempted, which questions to complete first, which questions to avoid or leave for later, and how much time to be devoted to a particular section. Candidates that have followed this practice have reported better scores than their peers.

Focus on time management

Time management in an aptitude test is as important as preparing for the topics that are tested, maybe even more important. You might know the answer to every question on the test paper but if you have not managed your time judicially, you will lose more to a candidate with lesser preparation but better time management. A candidate must set a time limit for each section according to the level of difficulty and their own strong and weak spots. The same can be achieved by practicing mock tests. It is also recommended that the candidate changes the way they attempt the test in different mocks to find the perfect way to attempt it for themselves. It can include devoting more time to a certain section or attempting that section at a specific point during the test. The perfect approach is different for every candidate and only practice can help them find it.
Identify your weak spots
When a candidate is preparing for a test by solving questions and taking mocks, they are bound to find that they are not consistently good for every topic. They might be the Mozart of grammar but have a weak foot when it comes to vocabulary. It can be the same case with two or more subjects. The candidate needs to practice as much as they can to identify these weak spots and then actively work towards building prowess.

Find a good mentor or support

Preparing for a test is a high-pressure activity that can go on for months. It is not expected that the candidate will bear all of it themselves with no external help or support system. A good mentorship program like tutorship or coaching institute will help the candidate with all the aforementioned grounds. A mentor would help you identify your weak spots, the institute would help provide mock tests based on the latest pattern of the aptitude test, it will provide you with time management techniques and models, and of course, teach all the topics that are a part of the test’s syllabus. Moreover, good mentorship also helps the candidate in relieving stress and providing moral support which is as significant as academic preparation.
Lastly, it is salient that the candidate remembers that an aptitude test is supposed to be general and at the end of the day, it tests the candidate’s aptitude. Therefore, it does not require the preparation of a vast syllabus and endless hours but rather a focused and determined approach to acquiring a skill set. It is assumed that if a candidate imbibes the above-mentioned pointers and applies them to their preparation, there is bound to be a crucial increase in their scores, taking them a step closer to success. Best of luck!